DMBC ASB Reference 19914 - Vix CAS-28936-J2V5J1 (LD) Dear Councillor, Thank you for yesterday's email and forwarded message; this represents some communication from officials if only 'indirect', but I must thank you for your efforts here. I shall consider the next steps in my battle with officialdom over the next few days but, whilst I'm not keen to provide my elected representative with a deluge of detail, I feel obliged to respond to M Dudley's message. The Community Housing Officer has advised that, "after monitoring on a daily basis there is no evidence to support claims of abuse to the front communal lawns"; the Officer may not have monitored the lawns herself, but patches appear very much 'off-green' to me - the Housing Officer's eyesight does not have to be perfect for efficient discharge of duties but I know that the recent appointee is also a dog-owner! Regarding other evidence, a recent photograph is available of cleared 'solids' - no wonder the Officer missed this one! Of course, there is no current proof that M Bradley's dog was responsible, but the Council will not consider asking Bradley to submit his dog for DNA recording, even though I've offered to pay! I'm also disappointed that Greencare have not, apparently, been asked to get in touch regarding the management of these lawns and this entire topic is unnecesarily distasteful - 'e could 'ave a teddy-bear! I'm in the bizarre position of having to monitor the activities of my neighbour's dog, to provide evidence, yet I'm making every effort to avoid both! Ludicrous! The dog also barks and occasionally stinks, so, given the dog is kept in a publicly-owned apartment, is walked through communal areas to the external doors and is toileted, possibly exclusively, on public land (witnessed through the day by tens, hundreds, possibly thousands of passers-by) this character is both in breach of his tenancy agreement and of the common law on indecency. The second issue mentioned is that of fly-tipping; I have sent a plethora of images, and accounts, of fly-tipping, some involving M Bradley undoubtedly and some allegedly, yet I do not know if he's ever been reminded of his obligations in this regard, let alone whether or not he's been fined - though there are privacy issues here, it's reasonable to expect some communication on this matter. The issue has been a constant problem hereabouts (as it is across the UK), but the Enforcing Authority, that is the Council, could still provide a better example by not leaving its own junk locally and indeed across the Borough; specifically, the arguments over clearance, maintenance and refurbishment of the housing stock have all been won, yet, again, there is only limited progress - seems to me that Officials still deem themselves too important to discuss this matter with a mere taxpayer. I wonder if the same Community Housing Officer considers that she's been unable to spot appreciable fly-tipping because a 'certain person' makes considerable efforts to clear said junk from the immediate neighbourhood, as soon as it appears! Mention is made of the Estate Assistant who "monitors various areas of Lye, including the High Street"; I haven't seen a 'caretaker' in months - does he or she have a base? Is the Estate Assistant approachable? I remember trying to engage a character with that role a while ago on the precise subject of Housing Department waste (that can be considered a form of fly-tipping, a potentially custodial act) and was told to retire to my premises - charming!  DAustin Lye Village Stourbridge.